We create email campaigns that are creatively crafted to represent the brand so as to draw customer attention to your service and product offerings. We use specific tools to provide Email analytics that can help you monitor your spend and engagement with customers.
Email Marketing
As a new business, or a business new to inbound marketing, it is imperative that you know what will give you the biggest bang for your buck. It takes time to build a contact database, but that contact database is worth its weight in gold. Email marketing is not SPAM. Your followers opt-in to your mailing list because they want you to talk to them. We don’t buy mailing lists, we develop them.
We Are here to Help
All our innovative Social Media Client Reps are Constant Contact Solution Provider Certified, meaning they have gone through the learning and testing process of optimizing email marketing and marketing services for our clients, utilizing Constant Contact, the most robust marketing tool available to businesses. That’s a pretty big deal. You get to work on your business as we work in it to build a client and prospect database for you.